I own & operates Silver Lining Productions based in Redondo Beach, providing WordPress support for small and medium sized businesses. He also runs the South Bay WordPress Meetup, teaches WP101 at the local adult school, speaks monthly at the SBDC and shares what he knows over at kitchensinkwp.com with a weekly podcast.
Oh, I also used to be a Professional photographer, but everyone is a photographer these days!
Why Do You Use WordPress?
I found that WordPress made sense to me after coming from a flat html based background. I spent about 20 days trying to use Joomla for a intranet for a company I was consulting for and luckily they lost funding and let everyone go. It was a blessing really! I found WordPress for a new project after that — never looked back!
When and How Did You Start Using WordPress?
I initially started using WordPress for my photography website business (silverliningphotography.net) as I needed a entire new site.
From there one thing led to another and I found a great community and requests for help.
What Tips or Resources would you recommend to a new WordPress User?
Check meetup.com to find a local WordPress group. There are lots of them. Join. Get involved. If there isn’t one in your area, start one.
What makes WP great IS the community. Everyone starts at the beginning and it’s about helping those who come after you.
Also find a WordCamp within driving distance and GO!
What advice would you give someone who’s building a business around WordPress design or development?
Realize that there is plenty of work out there. Don’t work from a place of scarcity, and undercut other developers. You can’t do it all, nor would you want to. Team up, worth together. Collaborate. Give back to the community.
How do you stay informed about WordPress (news, tips, etc)?
Like I mentioned before, Meetup’s, WordCamps as well as a few resources online.
There are some great Facebook Groups — ranging from total new people to advanced. Look into joining those.
email newsletters & podcasts:
The WhiP Newsletter
What’s a cool WordPress based site you’ve seen recently?
What do you like most about WordCamps?
Meeting people who know more then me! I always learn something that I can use.. and sometimes it’s not even WordPress related, more about working with others (Developers, Designers and Clients)
Where can we find you online?
Web: KitchenSinkWP.com
Twitter: @heyadamsilver
Twitter: @kitchensinkwp