Small Business Photography
This course will focus on my five key tips and tricks to creating better product photos for social media, marketing, and website use. While we will focus heavily on the photography side of things, there will be social media tidbits thrown in along the way.
Build your Personal Brand with WordPress
It used to be that the only way to meet someone was in-person or over the phone. During that meeting, you typically gave a first and lasting impression. Today however, you are making that same first impression even while you sleep. If you are not actively managing your online profile, then you are leaving the impression you make on others up to Google. I know, because not long ago I did the same thing.
Imagine my surprise when I Googled myself only to discover that I was not the only Ryan Rhoten in the world. Worse, one of the other Ryan’s was on page one four times because he had recently been arrested, again. Today, I “own” nearly every result on the first 3 pages of Google.
Learn how I use my WordPress blog to build my personal brand, Become Visible and push the other Ryan’s further down in the search results.
Building an Email List With Your WordPress Blog for Traffic, Revenue and Influence
When successful bloggers are asked “what’s one thing you’d change if you could go back to the beginning?” the answer is very often “I should’ve built a list sooner!” This presentation will demonstrate why building an email list is one of the most powerful ways to grow your WordPress blog. It will cover the best plugins and services to use; tips on where and how to configure them on your blog; strategies for increasing conversions; and how to use your new list to drive visits, sales and conversations.