Panel: Fight Impostor Syndrome

If you’ve ever felt as if you’re “not good enough” to be part of a team, or you feel your success is owed more to luck than hard work and talent, you’ve likely dealt first-hand with Impostor Syndrome. It’s a common affliction, especially in the world of software, but if left untreated it can interfere with career advancement, wreck your personal life, or lead to total burn-out. This panel is meant to be an open and honest conversation about Impostor Syndrome, how it affects all of us, and what we can do to combat it. Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of Impostor Syndrome and tips that they can use to fight it. Audience participation is encouraged; after all, we’re all in this together.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Shortcodes (plus some)

Shortcodes are one of the coolest and most powerful features in WordPress. They empower us and enable us to do things far beyond simple word processing within our content.In this session we will: – Cover the many useful applications of shortcodes – Discuss why they are so cool – Walk through creating a basic shortcode – Explore creative ways to make shortcodes more user friendly Will cover the basics as well as some intermediate concepts.

WordPress in Schools

Learn how Newark Public Schools (NJ’s largest school district – 40,000 students; 70 schools) cut their annual web site technology budget in half by migrating to WordPress from a closed-source, proprietary, expensive, vendor-controlled SaaS CMS. Hear stories from the trenches about budget battles, angry/clueless technology vendors, frustrated administrators from one guy with a vision to disrupt the market and bring better web site technology to our public schools.

Increasing your site’s revenue with WooCommerce

As an official WooThemes Ninja, I’ve worked with themes, with plugins, and with stores all shapes and sizes – literally thousands of sites trying their best to sell online, promote their cause, or just break even on hosting costs until they make it big. While adding eCommerce functionality might not be the first thought, there are HUGE benefits that you can create without selling goods – the topic would introduce a variety of methods, in addition to addressing existing store owners on how to better engage their audience.