Panel: Fight Impostor Syndrome

If you’ve ever felt as if you’re “not good enough” to be part of a team, or you feel your success is owed more to luck than hard work and talent, you’ve likely dealt first-hand with Impostor Syndrome. It’s a common affliction, especially in the world of software, but if left untreated it can interfere with career advancement, wreck your personal life, or lead to total burn-out. This panel is meant to be an open and honest conversation about Impostor Syndrome, how it affects all of us, and what we can do to combat it. Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of Impostor Syndrome and tips that they can use to fight it. Audience participation is encouraged; after all, we’re all in this together.

Making Blogging a Habit

People start new blogs all the time, only to abandon them with just a few entries written. I’ll talk about how to

– give your blog focus
– get started on serial posts
– create an editorial calendar
– where to find inspiration

I want to give bloggers the tools they need so they won’t want to give up after just a few posts.

Mystery Solved!

In this session, I plan to solve the “pages vs. posts” mystery. Many new users of WordPress get confused by this. What’s the difference. When to I post, when do I add a page. We’ll dawn our best Scoody Doo hats and solve this mystery once and for all.

BBB ~ Beyond Basic Blogging

Okay, so you have a blog set up.. now what?

What are the guidelines for Google?
How to get your readers to sign up.
What are dofollow links?
Ad what? Using Adsense and other sources to monetize your site.

Depending on the audience, either start with the basic set up and plugins needed to run a blog on your site or take things to a higher level with affiliate links, ads and sponsored posts.