New Sponsor: OhioGhostWriter

OhioGhostWriter logo for WordCamp Dayton 2016Welcome OhioGhostWriter as a returning Small Business level sponsor of WordCamp Dayton. 

About Our Sponsor:

“Conversation. Between you and your clients. Between you and your colleagues. Let OhioGhostWriter help you direct the conversation. We develop content worth talking about. Our customized content will drive visitors to the websites you build.

Learn more about our content strategy and development at”

Thanks to OhioGhostWriter! We can’t do this without you.

2 thoughts on “New Sponsor: OhioGhostWriter”

  1. I would like to volunteer to help at the 2016 Dayton WordCamp. I can work either or both days, and early or late either day.

    1. Thank you for offering to volunteer! I have forwarded your information off to our lead volunteer and she should be in touch with you soon!

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