Workflows in a Disposable Economy

I would like to share my thoughts on the overwhelming nature of entering into front-end web development from a new developer’s standpoint. I want to draw a parallel on how as consumers, we are programmed to cast away what works for something “new” (like phones) when there is nothing wrong with sticking with a workflow that works, noting how impossible it is to keep up with every new tool that comes out every week. (“If you’re on the bleeding edge, you’re usually the one bleeding”)

The talk would focus around:

  • Acknowledging the wide array of accessible technologies and try to offer a way to think about your options in a more digestible manner.

  • State while some options are better suited for certain tasks (for example D3 may be better for data visualization than React) encourage new developers to find what works best for them and to stick with it, not trying to learn 3 frameworks at once while they barely have a firm grasp on Vanilla Javascript.

  • Offer suggestions on how to keep their ear low to the ground on whats new, ask questions and how to introduce new technologies into their workflow.

  • Offer ways for senior developers to help newer developers.
